The Current Production Theme for Justin Downey
Life on a small island is not as glamorous or as exciting as some
people would have us believe, in fact it is far from this. It is
a life of boring monotony where narrow-minded conservatism rules
supreme and privacy is almost non-existent. As a result, I feel
trapped. Surrounded by a vast ocean that seems impossible to escape.
Through the media, travel and the internet, I am afforded glimpses
of life in a more “advanced” metropolis.
The small island therefore to me is like a bird cage, beautiful
yet limiting.
The chicken is a bird which can not fly, yet it is caged. This for
me is perhaps the total irony as I sometimes see myself in a similar
situation. Caged in this island with the desire to be set free and
live my life to its fullest, yet unsure and almost afraid of stepping
out of my cage and into the free world.
What is the use of leaving my cage if I am afraid, or indeed, can
not fly?